Monday, November 5, 2007

On the first day of striking...

What brings me back to the world of blogging? Too much time on my hands? In a manner of speaking. As of 12:01 AM today on Monday, November 5th (Remember, Remember the 5th of November) my union --The Writer's Guild of America-- has gone on strike.

The reasons for the strike are as complicated as you might imagine a legal contract between a union and several major media conglomerates to be -- filled with formulas for profit sharing and allowances for special circumstances under special conditions, etc..

But this blog isn't really about rallying around a cause. Don't get me wrong -- it's my union and I'm going to stand behind it, because it's the right thing to do. But this blog is more about me as an observer -- an on looker of this insanity. I've only been a member of the guild for four months, but I've been thrown into the front lines the past couple weeks -- and today I found myself, for the first time in my life -- walking a picket line.

Here are some more photos:

A better look at the sound stages of the Culver Studios -- the locale at which I was picketing. Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz were shot here. It's predominantly studio space rented out by the Major Studios.

Some members of the Screen Actors Guild came out to support, which was nice of them.

After my picketing shift I drove by Paramount and there weren't as many people out there as I had imagined there would be -- tomorrow I intend to hit some of the studios in the valley -- Warner Brothers, Universal and Disney -- and get some pictures over there. There's a part of me that can barely believe this is happening -- it's like I've slipped into some bizarro X-Men like alternate reality. But it is -- and for as long as it goes on, I will try to document it here...


Anthony said...

Rock on Kdog! You are still at Culver tomorrow right? I will stop by and say hi and maybe even picket a bit.

Kalinda said...

Yay! That would be awesome.